How It Works
At the VTA Meeting Itself
Tips For Making Your Point
Do you have a compliment or complaint about Santa Clara County's bus and light rail system? Does your group have an idea that could improve the South Bay's transit system? You can get your voice heard by the Valley Transportation Authority!
As a taxpayer in Santa Clara County, you have the right to speak directly to the people who run Santa Clara County's transit system.
The VTA Board of Directors and its committees all hold monthly meetings open to the public. Depending on the type of meeting, you're allowed to speak either at the beginning or the end of each meeting, during the "public presentations" period. For VTA Board of Directors meetings and workshops, the public presentation period is after the VTA votes on the minutes of the last board meeting, typically toward the end of the VTA Board meeting.
You can speak on any transit topic you want, provided it's within the jurisdiction of the VTA Board or committee. State law forbids Board action or extended discussion of any item not in the meeting's agenda except under special circumstances. If Board action is requested, the matter can be placed on the agenda at a future meeting. All statements requiring a response will be referred to VTA staff for reply in writing.
Everything from purchasing to the quality of service is on the agenda every month. Other topics, like service cuts or fare hikes, can be up for discussion, too.
Unless otherwise noted, VTA Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6pm in the County Supervisors Chambers of the County Government Center at 70 W. Hedding Street in San Jose. The County Government Center is near the Civic Center light rail station, and is on or near VTA bus lines 32, 62, 66, and 180. You can find a schedule and location of VTA Board meetings and workshops here.
Here's how to find out when and where the VTA meetings are and what's on the agenda:
If you know you will miss the last bus for home when the meeting ends, have a friend or neighbor drive you to and from the VTA meeting. If you use OUTREACH paratransit, have them pick you up at the end of the meeting.
To ensure that you can speak, fill out a speakers card (17K JPEG) before the meeting to get a chance to speak. Plan on arriving 30 minutes before full VTA board meetings and 15 minutes before VTA committee meetings. The sign-in table is typically as you enter the meeting room. To register, give your speakers card to any of the Board Secretaries. This will help make sure you get a chance to speak.
You are given only two minutes to speak, so you need to get your point across quickly. You will be called to a speakers' stand near the middle of the room, in front of the VTA Board or committee. At VTA Board of Directors meetings in the auditorium at 70 W. Hedding Street in San Jose, a 2-minute countdown clock will time you. The clock is located on the center right side of the back of the auditorium. You will be cut off when the time runs out, so be polite and to the point when you are up there.
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