On behalf of the Silicon Valley Transit Users, I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
On New Year’s Eve (Tuesday) at 8pm, FREE transit fare will be in effect for Caltrain, SamTrans, and all Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) bus and rail service. This will be until 3am for Caltrain and SamTrans, and 5am for VTA the next day.
On New Year’s Day (Wednesday), these and other transit agencies will run on a Sunday/Holiday schedule. Normal service and transit fares return on Thursday.
Expect law enforcement on the roads tonight and tomorrow morning. They will be on the lookout for those driving intoxicated (DUI) and/or speeding. Before you go out drinking and then drive, consider these minimum costs:
- DUI arrest & conviction: $10,000
- Funeral $8,500-$10,000
- Uber/Lyft/Taxicab: $50
- Caltrain or VTA bus/light rail ride from 8pm tonight until 5am New Year’s Day: FREE
Think about it. Choose wisely, and stay safe tonight and tomorrow morning. Happy New Year!
Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users