Eugene B

History Repeats In Alum Rock

Bus Rapid Transit build at Alum Rock/Jackson in May 2015. Courtesy Google Maps

Bus Rapid Transit build at Alum Rock/Jackson in May 2015. Courtesy Google Maps.

There goes the Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) record of having projects built on-time and on-budget. By now, you’ve probably heard the news about how construction delays along Alum Rock Avenue in San Jose have delayed the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project until Summer 2016.

More on this issue – and how it parallels a past transit project in San Jose – follows.

Thanksgiving Weekend Transit Tips

happy thanksgiving

On behalf of the Silicon Valley Transit Users, I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Day – and weekend.

On Thanksgiving Day, all Silicon Valley transit agencies like Caltrain, SamTrans in San Mateo County and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) will operate on a Sunday/Holiday schedule.

On Friday, many of these same transit agencies will run on a modified weekday (and in the case of Caltrain, a Saturday) schedule.

There are plenty of events this long weekend with good transit options to help you beat the expected traffic gridlock. Details follow…

Happy Veterans’ Day!


On behalf of the Silicon Valley Transit Users, I want to wish all current and former members of our nation’s Armed Forces a Happy Veterans’ Day today. Without your sacrifice, our Republic would not exist.

All public transit agencies serving Silicon Valley (VTA, Caltrain, ACE, Capitol Corridor, SamTrans) are running a regular weekday schedule today.

If you know someone who served or is serving in our nation’s Armed Forces, wish him or her a Happy Veterans’ Day.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

Last Chance To Speak Up This Month

Your input is still needed to craft a possible ballot measure in 2016. Today at 2:30pm in Gilroy, TransForm (a group we work with) is hosting the first of several forums designed to gather input on what YOU would like to see in a possible transportation ballot measure in 2016.

The last of these meetings takes place this evening from 6pm to 8:30pm at the Mexican Heritage Plaza at 1700 Alum Rock Ave. in San Jose. VTA’s 22, 23, 77 and 522 Rapid bus lines serve the Mexican Heritage Plaza. RSVP for this last meeting this evening.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

Disclosure: Our group is also part of the Envision Silicon Valley group that is putting together a possible transit sales tax measure in Santa Clara County is 2016.

Quarterly Bus Service Changes Today

Today marks the start of many Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) bus service changes. Find out how YOU are affected in Santa Clara County as of today.

Attend Silicon Valley University? VTA will have an extra 180 northbound bus at 9:05pm from Lundy and Fortune in San Jose. This extra bus will go directly to Fremont BART station, and runs Monday-Friday when school is in session.

What do YOU think about this set of VTA’s quarterly bus service changes? Please comment below.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users