VTA Voted To Further Silence YOU

People wait to speak at a recent VTA meeting.
People wait to speak at a recent VTA public meeting.

A key committee at the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) voted yesterday to further restrict your voice at meetings. In a unanimous vote, VTA’s Governance and Audit Committee voted to continue to allow public speakers only one (1) minute at Board meetings, and two (2) minutes at Committee meetings.

Highlights of yesterday’s vote at VTA are below.

VTA Seeks To Suppress Riders’ Voices

People wait to speak at a VTA Board meeting in San Jose.
People wait to speak at a VTA Board meeting in San Jose.

VTA and consultants are proposing to further limit public comments from citizens like YOU. If approved, the proposal would apply to all future VTA Board Of Directors’ meetings, Committee meetings, and workshops. The draft proposal is attached here for your review.

Public comment on the above staff recommendation (limited to ONE minute or less) will be heard at VTA’s “Governance and Audit” Committee” on Thursday, October 7th at 4:00PM (item #5) time permitting. This will allow the VTA Board Meeting to start promptly at 5:30PM.

More on what YOU can do to stop this proposal is below.

Help Make a Bikeway a Better Way

Our group has just learned of a study the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is conducting. The “Central Bikeway” study VTA is now in its 3rd round of community input.  This after VTA has narrowed down the bikeway route for the Berryessa-Santa Clara corridor.

According to VTA:

The Central Bikeway Study will collaborate with community members, community-based organizations, VTA, the cities of Santa Clara and San José, Santa Clara County, and Caltrans to develop a route for an east-west bicycle “superhighway” between Santa Clara and North San José.

Here are some notes on VTA’s Central Bikeway study so far from Ian Kluft.

Our newest member, Scott Mace, had this to say on a public meeting VTA heard on Tuesday at noon on the study:

Short takeaway from today: city of Santa Clara hasn’t signed on to this yet, but VTA has clearly abandoned BRT on El Camino [Real].

VTA will have its last public meeting for this round Thursday evening at 6pm. Register for that meeting – and learn how else YOU can get involved – here.

Please discuss your feelings on this “Central Bikeway” study VTA is conducting in the comments. Also, if you’re interested, please plan on attending and speaking up at Thursday evening’s virtual meeting.

Eugene Bradley
Founder & CEO, Silicon Valley Transit Users