Power To the People

The transit riders are starting their fight back.  On September 5, more than 20 people made themselves heard at the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board Of Directors’ meeting.  Their prime demand: reallocate 2016 Measure B funding that would have gone to highway construction, to fund increased bus and light rail service in Santa Clara County. View the video above (starting at the 26:00 mark) for how these people – myself included are fighting back.

A HUGE “Thank You” goes to those who spoke up at the September 5 VTA meeting.  A story on San Jose Spotlight has more details. A follow-up letter will be sent to VTA management inquiring on the date and time of a workshop where reallocation will be discussed.

This weekend, we will have additional tips on how people like YOU can help make public transit in Santa Clara County better for everyone.

Eugene Bradley
Founder & CEO, Silicon Valley Transit Users

Update Coming Soon…

A big “Thank You” goes to more than 20 speakers at last Thursday’s VTA Board Of Directors’ meeting.  More information on that meeting, other news, and what YOU can do to make public transit better, will be posted soon.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users