Per your email suggestions, two more features have been added to the web site. Details on these new features are highlighted below.
Being Notified Of New Site Posts
The first of the new features to our web site: being notified of new posts.

After entering your first name and email address, you will be notified by email to verify your subscription. (This helps prevent abuse.) You will also be given a choice of what specific types of posts to be notified for. (Advocacy, bike/ped, bus, rail et al.) By default, you will be notified of all post types made. You will also be given full options – including unsubscribe – to what posts to be notified of.
Your email address will NOT be given to any third party without your written, signed, and dated consent.
Subscribing to Comments On Individual Posts
The second new feature involves being notified of comments made in posts. You can find this new feature below where you enter comments.

After verifying your subscription to comments for an individual post, you will be notified every time someone makes a new comment for a post. You will given full options to unsubscribe to comments.
As with new post notifications, your email address will NOT be given to any third party without your written, signed, and dated consent.
Other Features Upcoming
In the works here, are a first-time transit rider’s guide and an online calendar of transit-related events and meetings. Look for announcements on these features soon.
Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users