Weekend Update – Memorial Day 2023

Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day!

This weekend, and especially Monday, we honor and mourn those who perished while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

On Monday, Memorial Day itself, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and all other transit agencies will run on a Sunday/Holiday schedule.

Given the long weekend, there will be plenty of activities going on, particularly in San Jose. Read more about these events – and travel advisories – below.

Never Forget 5/26

2 VTA light rail trains stopped at Santa Teresa station. Both trains are white, with the blue VTA logo with mask at the front. Camera is on the platfrom facing both stopped train cars.
Two VTA light rail cars parked at Santa Teresa Light Rail Station. Picture taken 5/28/2021.

May 26, 2021 is a day that will live in local, Silicon Valley infamy. At around 6:30am, a mass shooting took place at the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Guadalupe light rail yard in San Jose. Nine (9) light rail employees were shot to death. The shooter ultimately turned the gun on himself, committing suicide.

Here’s how it was reported here. The report also includes VTA Radio communication as the tragedy occurred. Listen to the audio at your own discretion.

I will personally visit the offices of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 265 as well as VTA headquarters today, to pay respects on behalf of our group.

Where were you on the morning of May 26, 2021? How are you remembering the tragedy that took place? Please comment below.

More later on today.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

TAKE ACTION! Ensure Public Transit Stays In the State Budget Proposal

Riders boarding Caltrain in Mountain View station. Front of the train is on the right, with its lights on. Passengers boarding and alighting are on the left.
Riders boarding Caltrain in Mountain View.

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s latest state budget proposal cuts funding for public transit. If passed into law in June, it would result in fare hikes and service reductions for many transit agencies throughout California. This as several key Bay Area transit agencies like Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) and Caltrain struggle to regain pre-COVID pandemic ridership. This also occurs as many public transit agencies are running out of federal COVID relief funding to run their buses and trains.

Our group is part of a coalition to have the California State Legislature pass “gap” funding in the State Budget until public transit agencies pass their own operations funding means.

Read more on what’s going on, and how YOU can get involved.