You wonder why our web site has a red background instead of the usual white background today.
It’s because we are showing support as part of a nationwide effort to preserve public transit funding in Congress today. Details are below.
You wonder why our web site has a red background instead of the usual white background today.
It’s because we are showing support as part of a nationwide effort to preserve public transit funding in Congress today. Details are below.
This is your Silicon Valley transit update for the weekend of September 16, 2011. This guide will cover Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) bus, light rail, and Caltrain service to the following events this weekend:
This is your Silicon Valley weekend transit update for September 9-11, 2011. It’s your guide for Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and Caltrain service to events throughout Silicon Valley.
This update includes public transit information on events like
This comes on the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. To that end, you are strongly encouraged to stay safe when riding any VTA bus, light rail or Caltrain this weekend. You are also strongly encouraged to report any and all suspicious activities to the authorities as soon as possible.