Here’s a quick action item at San Jose City Council today you can take up at 1:30pm today. It’s to help make sure six (6) VTA light rail stations are safer and fully compliant with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
More on what YOU can do to help make these light rail platforms safer follows…
Compare the photo above to this photo of the platform at Winchester station:

Notice how the Winchester platform edge is painted bright yellow, while the platform edge at Paseo de San Antonio station is a grey color. Which platform edge can you see better? This is an especially good question if you have poor vision. Also, there’s little railing at the Paseo de San Antonio station to help prevent falls for the physically impaired.
This will be discussed as agenda item 2.11 on San Jose City Council’s Consent Agenda. That means it will be voted on in bulk along with other items in that calendar. Here’s a description:
Cost-Sharing Funding Agreement with Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority for Downtown Transit Mall Station Platform Railing Extensions.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to negotiate and execute the Cost-Sharing Agreement between the City of San José and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to fund the installation of pedestrian railings at six light rail stations along the Downtown Transit Mall, in an amount not to exceed $350,000.
CEQA: Categorically Exempt, File No. ER22-193, CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities. Council District 3. (Transportation)
How YOU Can Be Heard Today
From Zoom, join the City Council meeting here.
From any phone, dial (888) 475-4499
Webinar ID is 889 5708 4529 when prompted to enter it.
- Mute all other audio before speaking. Using multiple devices can cause an audio feedback.
- Enter an email address and name. The name will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is your turn to speak.
- When the Mayor calls for Consent Agenda, click on “raise hand” if using Zoom, or press *9 on your phone if taking part by phone. Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak. When called, please limit your supporting remarks to the 1 to 2 minute time limit.
Please be civil and stick to the topic discussed. You will be cut off if you are rude, make threats to people, or otherwise disrupt City Council meeting in any way. You may even be subject to detention or arrest by San Jose Police officers or other law enforcement, who will likely be listening in on the City Council meeting.
Let’s help keep light rail platforms safer in downtown San Jose today.
Eugene Bradley
Founder & CEO, Silicon Valley Transit Users
Marcia Cohen-Zakai contributed to this report.