Palo Alto Mayor Liz Kniss. Photo courtesy of City Of Palo Alto.
Live in Palo Alto? Do shopping or other business in Palo Alto? Ride a bicycle in Palo Alto? Andrew Boone from East Palo Alto posted this message in a Facebook group. As a public service, I am forwarding this message here.
Do YOU want BIKE LANES on El Camino Real in Palo Alto?
Call Palo Alto Mayor Liz Kniss at 650-888-8671 and respectfully request that the “El Camino Real Complete Streets” project to re-envision the Royal Road between Stanford Avenue and Lambert Avenue to “create a safe and healthy place for pedestrians and bicyclists” be placed on an upcoming Palo Alto City Council agenda. The city won a grant in 2016 to re-design El Camino Real and has begun the public input process, but the project hasn’t ever been discussed by the City Council.
It’s important for the Palo Alto City Council to hear from the public and then discuss this project even if they are not making any decisions about it soon. We need City Council support to have any hope of achieving the project’s goals.
What do YOU think about Palo Alto creating a safe and accessible El Camino Real for people of all ages using all modes of transportation in accordance with state Complete Streets law? Do YOU think Palo Alto should follow state law, or continuing ignoring state law?
Palo Alto Mayor Liz Kniss
telephone 650-888-8671
email: liz.kniss@cityofpaloalto.org
City of Palo Alto project page has more information on the proposal.
Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users