Tag: San Jose

Agenda For Our Last Meeting Of 2016

svtru group gathering 07262016

On behalf of our group, I want to wish you a Happy (and safe) Thanksgiving.

Want to help make public transportation in Santa County better for everyone?  Please join us on Tuesday, November 29 for our last meeting of 2016.  At our last meeting for 2016, we will discuss:

  • Your thought’s on VTA’s “Next Network” transit restructuring proposal and what YOU can do.  (Read more about the VTA “Next Network” proposal.)
  • The impact of “Measure B” – its passage and where transit goes from here
  • increased safety issues on buses and trains and what YOU can do to help
  • other issues YOU have with VTA buses and trains, and how we can solve them together

TIME & DATE: Tuesday, November 29 at 6pm SHARP
PLACE: San Jose Peace and Justice Center, 48 S. 7th Street, San Jose
GETTING THERE: It’s about 50 yards south of E. Santa Clara Street in downtown San Jose, and near many VTA bus lines like the 22, 64, 522 Rapid, 72 and 73. It’s also a short walk from the Santa Clara (Street) light rail stop.  Here is a map of the area around the Peace and Justice Center in downtown San Jose.

Bring a pencil or pen and paper so you can take down notes on what to do.

Approving sales tax ballot measures every few years to improve transit is never enough.  Whining from behind your keyboard changes nothing.  Better only happens when we learn TOGETHER and fight TOGETHER in person.

Power to the people.  See you on Tuesday.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

Next Network “Phase II” From VTA

One week after Measure B’s passage, more bus service reductions in Santa Clara County are being discussed.  At a workshop today in San Jose, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) will propose to staff “an “85/15 balance between ridership-purposed and coverage-purposed services.”  What this could potentially mean:

If VTA pursues a more ridership-purposed transit network, routes that would be leading candidates to be decreased or discontinued are coverage-purposed routes located in the low density areas of Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Morgan Hill, Gilroy and the Almaden Valley, East Hills and Evergreen areas of San Jose. Some of the riders in these areas depend on VTA for transportation and VTA is exploring alternatives to retain their mobility while lowering the per-ride subsidy that VTA currently pays, which generally ranges from double to triple the system-wide average per-ride subsidy.

Where VTA’s “Next Network” workshop will be held:

TIME & DATE: November 18 at 2:00pm
PLACE: VTA Auditorium at VTA’s River Oaks headquarters, 3331 N. First Street, San Jose
GETTING THERE: VTA’s headquarters is across the street from River Oaks light rail station.  It is also served bh the 58 bus line.

Special thanks to @CALHSR on Twitter for informing our group of this news item.


More information on VTA’s proposal will be posted this weekend.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

Improving Story/Keyes in San Jose

Live, work, or do business along Story Road and Willow Street between Capitol Expressway and Highway 87? The City of San Jose and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) want to hear from YOU.  The goal of these street improvements, according to VTA:

The study will investigate ways to make this corridor safer and easier to use for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders while still serving drivers. We are currently evaluating the challenges, needs and opportunities for the study, which will be developed in 2017.

Tonight will be the first of three (3) community meetings to obtain public input on street improvements in the area.

DATE & TIME: November 17, 2016 from 6pm-8pm
PLACE: Leininger Center, Okayama Room, 1300 Senter Road, San Jose (1/2 block south of Story Road)
GETTING THERE: VTA’s 25 and 73 bus lines stop within a short walk of the Center, located near Happy Hollow Park and Zoo.

Want a better street in the area to travel by bicycle, bus, or automobile?  Be there.  Information on the other two public meetings will be available as soon as possible.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users


Bulls, Bacon…and ‘Ball

This weekend in Silicon Valley features several interesting events – despite expected rain this weekend. For starters, there’s bull riding and a Bacon Festival in San Jose.  Also, there’s college football in San Jose and Raiders football in Oakland. This transit guide has Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) bus, light rail, and other rail service to and from these events to help you beat traffic gridlock.

More information follows…

No Group Meeting Tonight

I did not post a formal agenda for this meeting in time for people to peruse. Also not helping: the Loma Fire in the Santa Cruz Mountains that may affect Highway 17 express bus service thru the area. I’m watching that personally.

Still, we will continue to discuss on our email list, whether to support or oppose Measure B – VTA’s latest transportation sales tax proposal.  We will have a formal decision on this issue shortly.

More news coming up…

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users