This year, the last VTA Board Of Directors‘ meeting for 2017 will start at 5:30pm. Note that it is not the normal 9am or other morning time, due to other meetings in the County around that time. A welcome and refreshing break from previous years.
Amongst what will be voted on at Thursday’s VTA Board Of Directors’ meeting:
- A new Chair and Vice Chair will be elected for 2018
- A $760,000 contract for modifying VTA light rail ticket machines to dispense new Clipper Cards
- A $3.243 million contract for certifying paratransit services
- A resolution for VTA to create a “Complete Streets” policy
- A policy for “commuter shuttle” rules and regulations at VTA bus stops and transit centers
The Palo Alto Daily Post reported that current VTA Board Chair Jeannie Bruins of Los Altos will be replaced next year by Mountain View City Council member John McAlister. McAlister will represent the Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills on the VTA Board of Directors.
Read the full 744-page agenda packet for tomorrow’s VTA Board Of Directors’ meeting. Or, read one condensed version of the agenda packet I put together featuring the items mentioned above.
Also, were you affected by the lack of extra bus and rail service for the Pac-12 Football Championship Game at Levi’s Stadium last Friday? Come speak up about it at Thursday’s VTA Board of Directors’ meeting, in the Public Comment time period at the beginning of the meeting.
WHEN: Thursday at 5:30pm
WHERE: County Supervisors’ Chambers at the County Government Center, 70 W. Hedding St. (at North 1st Street), San Jose.
GETTING THERE: Government Center is 1 block north of Civic Center light rail station. Take VTA’s 61, 62, 66 or 181 express bus lines to Civic Center light rail station, then walk 1 block north to the County Government Center. Read the map detailing the Government Center area for additional information.
See you on Thursday.
Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users