Tag: Santa Clara County

Issues affecting all of Santa Clara County.

Weathering The Storms On VTA & Caltrain


More rain is coming to Silicon Valley this week. Transit agencies like the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) have already made preparations for these storms. Despite these preparations, incidents such as downed trees and flooding have caused delays and rerouting on VTA buses and light rail over the last week.

Traveling on VTA buses, light rail, ACE or Caltrain this week? Below are some tips to help you travel during these storms this week. These tips are based on experience in riding buses and trains during big rainstorms and even snowstorms on the East Coast.

VTA Quarterly Bus Service Changes Effective Today

Our group has learned that the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) has made its quarterly bus service changes effective today (July 7).

Key amongst the bus service changes:

  • On the 122 express bus line between South San Jose and Lockheed in Sunnyvale, one morning trip and one afternoon trip have been dropped due to low ridership.
  • On July 12, Saturday service will be introduced on the 323 limited stop bus line between downtown San Jose and De Anza College. The expanded service will run every 15 minutes from 9am to 6pm in both directions.
  • For the 22, 23 and 522 Rapid bus lines, running times along Santa Clara Street and Alum Rock Avenue in San Jose will be adjusted. This time adjustment is to account for VTA constructing the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project along both streets for the next few months.
  • At VTA’s bus stop on North First and Santa Clara Street in San Jose, the boarding location for the 181 express bus and the 72, 73 & 323 bus lines, will swap places. VTA is performing this bus stop swap to reduce congestion from riders boarding and leaving buses at these stops.

Make sure to check out how your bus line is affected by VTA’s quarterly bus service changes today. Happy riding, respect each other, and stay safe out there.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

Happy Independence Day 2014!

4th of july flag

The Silicon Valley Transit Users wishes everyone a happy, safe, and sane July 4.

On Friday, all Silicon Valley transit agencies like Caltrain, VTA, and SamTrans will be running on a Sunday/Holiday schedule. Also, all BART trains will also run a Sunday/Holiday schedule on Friday.

Regular Saturday service will resume for the transit agencies mentioned above on Saturday, July 5.

Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) trains between San Jose and Stockton will NOT run on Friday. ACE train service resumes Monday morning, July 7.