Tag: Santa Clara County

Issues affecting all of Santa Clara County.

VTA Service Changes Effective Today

This morning, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) made schedule changes to several bus lines in Silicon Valley. The changes also included adjustments in the light rail schedule to improve schedule reliability.

Chief amongst the changes is the restoration of Saturday service on the 37 bus line between Winchester light rail station and Capitol light rail station in southern San Jose. Saturday service on the 37 bus line will run hourly from ~9:30am-5:30pm.  Remember the bus service restructuring VTA performed in January 2008 which eliminated Saturday service on this particular bus line?

One long-term goal of the Silicon Valley Transit Users should be to restore service VTA has lost over the last few years. Your help on this will be needed, of course. More details to come later on.

Meanwhile, what do many of you think of the VTA’s service changes today, and how has that affected your commute? What are you willing to do restore bus service you lost years ago for your travel? Please discuss this in our comments section, but make sure to read our Site Policy first before you comment.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

BART “Fleet Of the Future” Meeting in Milpitas

On Thursday from 3pm-6:30pm at the Great Mall in Milpitas, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) will partner with BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) to get public input on the designs of a new fleet of cars BART will soon purchase. This is the ONLY meeting in Santa Clara County for your input on the new BART rail cars.  According to VTA, the entire lab with survey for your input takes about 15 minutes to complete.