Tag: strike

Judge Ends VTA Transit Strike

The Great Silicon Valley Public Transit Strike of 2025 is now over. On Wednesday, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Daniel Nishigaya ruled in favor of the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and their request to end the strike. From March 10 until Thursday, more than 1,500 workers represented by the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 265 walked off the job. This resulted in loss of VTA bus and light rail service throughout Santa Clara County.

VTA has already announced a partial return of bus service on Friday. Light rail service is expected to return as soon as Monday due to copper wire theft incidents along the Green Line between San Jose and Campbell, according to ABC 7 News Bay Area. Also, tracks and infrastructure need to pass safety inspections.

More on this story as news comes up.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

Silicon Valley Transit Strike Possible?

Riders board the VTA’s 10 FREE Airport shuttle bus in Santa Clara.

Could a public transit worker strike in Silicon Valley be on the horizon?  ATU Local 265 – the labor union representing VTA’s bus drivers, light rail operators, mechanics, and other workers will take a final vote on VTA’s “Best, Last, and Final Offer” on Wednesday.

VTA and ATU Local 265 have been in talks on a new labor contract since last August.  Talks have been at an impasse over wages, pensions, and operational efficiencies.  VTA’s latest offer was provided to ATU Local 265 on May 10.

A transit strike in Silicon Valley will affect more than 120,000 daily VTA transit riders.  More on what is going on follows…