Tag: sunnyvale

Next Network, Current Concerns

Huge changes to your bus and light rail service in Santa Clara County will be discussed this week.  At Thursday evening’s VTA Board of Directors’ meeting, the Board members will further discuss what VTA staff proposed under the “Next Network” transit service restructuring proposal.

If you haven’t done so already, read up on VTA’s “Next Network” proposal.  Learn whether or not it may be made harder for you to reach your job, school, or doctor by public transit in Santa Clara County this fall.  This is especially true if you live in Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Almaden Valley, or some parts of Palo Alto, Mountain View or Sunnyvale.  This is also true if you take any of the VTA express buses from Fremont, as they are proposed to be eliminated when BART opens in December.

Next Meetings For the “Next Network”

For transit in Silicon Valley, 2017 is off to a fast start.  In addition to changing its logo, colors, and tagline, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is holding meetings in January and February to take your input on its “Next Network” bus and light rail service restructuring proposal.  Recall VTA’s prior bus service restructuring in 2008 which has been documented, as a guide.

If approved by the VTA Board of Directors in April, changes will take affect this fall.

Public meetings have already been held in cities like San Jose and Milpitas, with more to follow until the end of February.  More on the VTA’s “Next Network” proposal – and some of our thoughts on it so far – are below.

Hoedown At the Hofbrau

The first of the debates for Measure B took place on Monday.  At the Santa Clara County Democratic Club at Harry’s Hofbrau in San Jose, both sides debated Measure B – VTA’s latest transportation sales tax proposal. Santa Clara County Supervisor and current VTA Board Chair Cindy Chavez debated the for side. Gladwyn D’Souza, San Carlos Belmont Group Chair at Sierra Club’s Loma Prieta Chapter, debated the against side.

Who do YOU think won last night’s Measure B debate? Please comment below.

Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users

Open House in Sunnyvale This Evening

Sunnyvale City Councilmember – and VTA Board Member – David Whittum invited us all to an open house VTA is having in Sunnyvale from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Live or work in Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills or Cupertino? Tonight’s open house in Sunnyvale is something you must make the time to attend and SPEAK UP if you want better transit service in the area. –eugene