The guides featured here highlight local and regional bus and rail options to popular destinations in Silicon Valley and beyond. Everything from public transit etiquette to bus & rail routes serving key Silicon Valley destinations and events is here. These guides enable you to use public transit as an alternative to the high costs and hassle of driving an automobile.
Note that the guides featured here are NOT created with, nor are endorsed by any public transit agency mentioned here. They are merely here as a public service to you. Please contact the transportation agency in question for the latest schedules, maps, and fare information.
- “TRANSIT U” – Public Transit Guide to Santa Clara Co. Colleges & Universities
- Alternate VTA Bus Lines At or Near Light Rail Stops
- Basics
- Convention Centers
- Downtown San Jose Transit Guide
- Entertainment
- Etiquette On Any Bus Or Train
- Farmers’ Markets
- Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC) Transit Guide
- Mobile Apps
- Parks & Recreation
- Riding Public Transit In Wet (Inclement) Weather
- San Jose Diridon Station Transit Guide
- Sporting Events
- Transit Guide To Silicon Valley Malls
- Transit Security & Safety Tips
- VTA First-Time Transit Rider Guide
- VTA Service Affected By the Great PG&E Power Outage
Got a public transit alternative to a destination not featured here? Please let us know and it will be featured here with your name and/or organization as credit.
Every effort is made to ensure all information is as accurate as possible. Please let us know if you see any inaccuracies here. With these guides, you will find there is always a parking spot waiting for you on public transit.